Punitive employment equity measures will kill growth and jobs
Today the Commission for Employment Equity (CEE) briefed the Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour on the state of employment equity and proposed changes to the Employment Equity (EE) Act.
Changes to the EE Act, which would introduce harsher punitive measures for non-compliance and empower the Minster to set sector-specific EE targets, will kill economic growth and destroy jobs.
The latest figures show that 20 years after the introduction of the Employment Equity Act, the legislation has been a spectacular failure in diversifying the workplace.
The 19th annual report of the Commission for Employment Equity puts African representation at the top management level at 76% in the public service and 12% in the private sector, where whites occupy some 70% of senior posts.
The government thinks the problem is a lack of enforcement and therefore wants to amend the law to introduce harsher punitive measures. This is madness. Instead of focusing on racial bean-counting, the government should worry more about growing the pool of skilled black professionals and developing a pipeline of promotion in the workplace.