Questions remain over Libyans receiving military training – Pieter Groenewald

FF Plus says allowing foreigners to receive military training in SA, especially if tied to terrorism, jeopardises our territorial integrity

Questions still hang over country’s intelligence services due to government’s ignorance of Libyans receiving military training

31 July 2024

There are many questions hanging over the military training that 95 Libyans reportedly received at a private training camp near White River in Mpumalanga, especially because government appears to be ignorant.

During a police raid conducted last week, 95 Libyan citizens who reportedly received military training under the guise of security training were arrested.

This follows the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) putting South Africa on the grey list of countries that are failing to take decisive action against money laundering and terrorism last year.

I recently posed several questions in Parliament about the military training that foreign groups are reportedly receiving in South Africa, particularly in the Eastern Cape. Each question was met with a negative answer.

The White River incident offers irrefutable proof that it is indeed the case, and government could have something to hide.

After the unrest in KwaZulu-Natal in July 2021, the FF Plus warned that the country's intelligence services are not up to standard and should be overhauled. That obviously has not yet happened.

Allowing foreigners to receive military training in South Africa, especially if they could possibly be tied to terrorism, seriously jeopardises the country's territorial integrity.

According to a report by the Daily Maverick on 28 July 2024 (Libyans arrested at SA security training firm linked to group which once tried to topple UN-backed Tripoli government), the 95 people in custody apparently have ties with a group trying to destabilise Africa.

If the matter is not clarified soon, the people of South Africa could demand that heads roll.

South Africa simply cannot be allowed to turn into a training base for international terrorist groups endangering citizens' lives.

Issued by Pieter Groenewald, FF Plus leader and minister of correctional services, 31 July 2024