R163m blown on SANDF's CAR fiasco - David Maynier

DA MP says R108,8 million was spent on chartering aircraft alone between January 1 and April 9 2013

R163 million blown on CAR fiasco

The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, revealed in a reply to a parliamentary question, that R163 million was blown on the deployment of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in the Central African Republic (CAR).

The reply states that between 01 January 2013 and 09 April 2013, the allowances for troops, operating costs and related costs totalled R54,4 million. Moreover, shockingly between 01 January 2013 and 09 April 2013, a total of R108,8 million was spent on chartering aircraft.

This is clear quantifiable evidence of a major air transport capability gap in the South African Air Force. In the end, the SANDF were drawn into a battle they could not supply and the shambles which resulted cost fifteen soldiers their lives in the CAR.

This reinforces the need for a full-scale parliamentary inquiry into the SANDF deployment in the CAR.

Statement issued by David Maynier MP, DA Shadow Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, June 11 2013

Text of the parliamentary reply from the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:



732. Mr D J Maynier (DA) to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:

(1) What was the total breakdown of cost for operations in the Central African Republic between 1 January 2013 and 9 April 2013;

(2) what is the breakdown of costs related to chartering aircraft for operations in the Central African Republic between 1 January 2013 and 9 April 2013?



(1) The breakdown of costs incurred from 01 January 2013 to 09 April 2013 is as follows;

- Allowances to deployment members R21,1 million

-  Operating cost R22,9 million

-  South African Air Force related cost R10,4 million

TOTAL R54,4 million

(2) The breakdown of the cost for the aircraft chartering is as follows:

-  Force build up and sustainment 01st January 2013 to 06th April 2013 R65,8 million

-  Withdrawal phase 06th April 2013 R42,8 million

TOTAL for the period 01st January 2013 to 09th April 2013 R108,6 million

Issued by Parliament, June 11 2013

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