R200 electricity tariff rejected – GOOD

Party also condemns false reports that they voted in support of unfair tariff

City of Joburg: Good rejects R200 electricity tariff and condemns false reports that we voted in support

4 July 2024

The GOOD party strongly condemns the ongoing false reports that it supports the unacceptable R200 prepaid electricity tariff in the City of Johannesburg. 

Not only is GOOD vehemently opposed to this unfair tariff, but GOOD was not even present in Council for the specific budget vote due to a vacancy that was declared when the party’s former Councillor, Lloyd Phillips, was fired.

It’s extremely disappointing that those who have been spreading this false information, including ActionSA, OUTA and The Sowetan, clearly did not do their homework and confirmed the information independently, but chose to spread rumours based on incorrect social media posts. The Sowetan has since agreed to correct their article. 

The unnecessary financial burden placed on residents goes against everything GOOD stands for and has been fighting against since our formation in 2019.

GOOD has continuously fought against high tariffs and unnecessary charges across the country and condemned the municipalities that seek to unlawfully profit from hiking tariffs above what NERSA prescribes.

All GOOD Councillors were instructed to keep a close eye on budgets and ensure that they oppose any unnecessary electricity tariffs, including in Johannesburg. 

Unfortunately, due to delays in the City’s processes and the elections in May, GOOD was only able to replace Phillips in June after this specific budget vote.

Phillips was removed as a Councillor and Chair of Chairs in the City of Joburg and expelled from GOOD in early April for poor performance and failure to comply with instructions from the party’s the National Management Committee. 

We are clear that we must stop the suffering in our communities. 

Residents are cash-strapped and an additional R200 electricity tariff is preposterous when people already have to make the decision whether to buy food or units of electricity.

Issued by Matthew Cook, GOOD National Chairperson and City of Johannesburg Councillor, 4 July 2024