R4.3m wasted by Gauteng on jumpsuits for safety wardens – Adriana Randall

DA MPL says R800 was spent on each item over double the market price for such clothing

Gauteng wastes R4.3 million on jumpsuits for safety wardens, yet critical service delivery suffers

14 August 2023

Millions of rands of taxpayers’ money, which could have been used to improve service delivery in the province, have been wasted on procuring jumpsuits for the Community Safety Wardens programme.

Almost R800 was spent per jumpsuit, totalling R4.3 million rand, while the average price of a rubberised, reflective jumpsuit ranges from R200 to R369.

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has long been advocating for establishing a proper costing model to ensure prices paid for products and services are market-related and not inflated, as in this case.

This information was revealed in a written reply to the DA’s questions tabled in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) regarding the tender awarded for the provision of uniforms to the Community Safety Wardens. A total of 5616 jumpsuits have been procured.

According to the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko, the tender was awarded to Triple Desire Trading and Projects 63 CC.

This is a well-known company that often does business with the Gauteng Provincial Departments.

The DA will be submitting follow-up questions to MEC Mazibuko to determine exactly how this company was selected as the preferred service provider, why the cost of the jumpsuit is so high, and whether the director of the company is related to the former Mayor of Musina, Mihloti Muhlope.

Gauteng residents deserve to have a government in place that will ensure that for every rand spent, there is value for money. A responsible government will not be paying close to R800 for one uniform.

Instead, a responsible government will seek out the best quote that will provide value for money while not taking away money that can be used to improve service delivery.

Issued by Adriana Randall, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Finance, 14 August 2023