Treasury clarifies expenditure related to the official residence of the Premier
The Gauteng Provincial Treasury has noted with concern media reports on maintenance expenditure for the official residence of the Premier.
It is incorrect that the province will spend the reported amount on the official residence because what the Gauteng Legislature will appropriate for 2013/14 financial year is R120 000 based on the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) that is used in this country.
The MTEF is a spending plan that covers a longer period than the immediate financial year for which it is presented, typically 3 years (2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16). It is designed to focus on a longer horizon as opposed to piece-meal and short-term budgeting decisions that would otherwise characterise the budget process.
MTEF is a rolling process repeated every year and aims at reducing the imbalance between what is affordable and what is demanded. It does this by bringing together policy-making, planning, and budgeting early in the budgeting cycle, with adjustments taking place through policy changes.
The Estimates of Capital Expenditure (ECE) presents the province's infrastructure project list and estimates over a three year period but approval is only for one year. The outer two financial years are estimates and they are not ‘casting stone'. Budgets figures in these financial years are continuously subjected to rigorous Treasury processes to determine credibility and accuracy.