Race law will trigger crisis in education – Solidarity

Sector will have to get rid of just under 75% of white teachers, 55% of Indian teachers, and 25% of coloured teachers

Race law: Comments cautioning against looming crisis in education

10 June 2023

The Solidarity Teachers’ Network yesterday submitted its comments on the proposed regulations the Minister of Labour and Employment announced in terms of the Employment Equity Amendment Act. The network’s comments follow upon Solidarity’s comprehensive comments, also submitted yesterday.

According to a report that explains the impact of the proposed regulations on the education sector, this sector will have to get rid of just under 75% of white teachers; 55% of Indian teachers; and 25,3% of coloured teachers. This implies that to meet the minister’s targets two out of three white and Indian teachers, and one out of four coloured teachers would have to be replaced.

“It is clear that for the ANC race prevails over any other rationale. There are not only not enough qualified teachers to replace the existing teachers, but the demographic reshuffle the government proposes will moreover have catastrophic consequences for our schools and children.

Education has already been plunged into a crisis due to the lack of infrastructure and resources. Now the government wants to get rid of quality teachers and propel the whole sector towards collapse,” said Johan Botha, deputy general secretary of Solidarity’s professional sector.

In its comments, the Solidarity Teachers’ Network warns the government that the regulations are unfair and that overcrowded classrooms and too little capacity for providing quality education to all learners will place an additional burden on the already overburdened teachers. In addition, these regulations pose the greatest threat ever to mother tongue education.

“Our teachers form the centre of our communities. Through their vocation, they are the glue that makes a difference to the lives of thousands of children by equipping them for the future. Now the government wants to replace them with teachers who speak another language and who will not be able to understand the learners in front of them. We cannot allow regulations of this nature to be implemented. The Solidarity Teachers’ Network will do everything in its power to protect our teachers, our schools and our children against the state’s abuse of power,” Botha concluded.

To download the written comments, click here

Issued by Johan Botha, Deputy General Secretary: Professional, 10 June 2023