Race obsessed DSD's mismanagement leaves welfare wounded – Solidarity

Dept head Bongani Ngomane recently threatened to withhold subsidies from “welfare organisations that are too white”

Race obsessed DSD's mismanagement leaves welfare wounded

29 May 2024

Solidarity today addressed a letter to the Department of Social Development (DSD), condemning in the strongest terms the non-payment of funds to welfare organisations that provide social services. 

In this letter Solidarity demands that the DSD address the crisis that is unfolding in Gauteng as a matter of urgency, and to abandon any racial prejudice that may play a role in the payment of subsidies.

According to Solidarity, this letter follows after it had received numerous complaints from organisations with ties to Solidarity’s Social Workers’ Network that did not receive subsidies from the DSD as had been promised. The Gauteng DSD had earlier undertaken to pay subsidies to these organisations by 24 May. 

“The DSD is posing a serious threat to welfare organisations that focus on uplifting the most vulnerable persons in our communities,” Bianca Smit, network coordinator for the Solidarity Social Workers’ Network, stated. “While these organisations are trying to empower those among us who have the least, the department wants to drag the same organisations into abyss.” 

Smit believes the Gauteng DSD could also be withholding subsidies due to recent statements made by the acting Head of Department, Bongani Ngomane, when he threatened to withhold subsidies from “welfare organisations that are too white.” 

Solidarity believes that in so doing it serves as an example of the racism and discrimination against the most vulnerable people in society the state makes itself guilty of. While a department is collapsing, they want to punish others who are providing a good service.

Solidarity further believes the effect of unpaid subsidies would be felt much wider than just by welfare organisations. 

“While South Africa is facing a social crisis and, discussions about it are furthermore dominated by abuse of power and an obsession with race, the plan from the state’s point of view is to completely strangle those who make a contribution towards improvement,” Smit said. 

Solidarity demands action by the DSD to address this subsidy crisis and to pay subsidies to those organisations that have not yet received their rightful share. Read the letter here.

Issued by Helgard Cronjé, Deputy General Secretary: Public Sector, 29 May 2024