Racist and xenophobic protests in UK condemned – EFF

Fighters say it’s surprising, however, as Britain's sordid history of racism is well-documented, rooted in its brutal colonial past

EFF statement condemning the racist and xenophobic protests in the UK

5 August 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) condemns the vile and racist protests that have erupted across the United Kingdom, marked by xenophobic violence and white supremacy. These far-right protesters are a disgraceful display of hatred and ignorance that have no place in any society.

The violent anti-immigrant protests were sparked by the tragic murder of three girls in a knife attack in Southport. Despite police clarifying that the suspect was born in Britain and media reports stating his family is Christian, anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim groups spread misinformation, falsely claiming the attacker was an immigrant and a radical Islamist.

This disinformation fuelled violent protests in cities like Liverpool, Bristol, and Manchester, as well as online agitators spreading hateful and xenophobic rhetoric.

Attacks on immigrants were also recorded, as well as attacks on mosques and protests in neighbourhoods that hold people of African and Asian descent.

This is not surprising, however, as Britain's sordid history of racism is well-documented, rooted in its brutal colonial past. In fact, a nation that has looted, killed, and subjugated entire populations across the world has no moral standing to be so rabidly anti-immigration. The British Empire shamelessly established colonies far and wide, exploiting resources and lives to build its wealth. Even after dismantling their empire, they invited people from their Caribbean colonies to exploit further, using their labour to rebuild post-war Britain. Today, the descendants of those same exploited communities face racial profiling, demonised as criminals, and subjected to systemic racism.

Moreover, Britain's continued imperialism in the Middle East and Africa, meddling in sovereign affairs and maintaining unrest, is a significant reason behind the surge of immigrants seeking refuge. The UK's foreign policies have sown chaos and displacement, contributing directly to the migrant crisis they now hypocritically protest against. Their imperialist actions have destabilised nations, forcing countless individuals to flee their homelands in search of safety and a better life.

The EFF commends Prime Minister Keir Starmer for his decisive action against these violent extremists. His condemnation of the unrest as the result of deliberate far-right actions is a necessary stance against those who are hell-bent on sowing division and violence. The governmenfs promise of tough action against the perpetrators of these riots is a step in the right direction.

The EFF stands in solidarity with all immigrants and marginalised communities in the UK. The racial profiling and criminalisation of people of African and Asian descent is unacceptable and must be eradicated. We urge the UK govemment to uphold justice and equality, ensuring that these acts of hatred are met with the full force of the law.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 5 August 2024