Racist FF+ defeated again – BLF

Party says court instructed the IEC to publish their registration as a political party

BLF 3 - Racist FF+ 0

29 April 2019

Black First Land First (BLF) has again defeated the racist Freedom Front Plus (FF+), to make it a 3-0 victory for the blacks only army!

BLF, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) and FF+ were in the Gauteng High Court today in relation to the 3rd attempt by FF+ to have BLF stopped from going to parliament. The court instructed the IEC to publish BLF’s registration as a political party and BLF will be on the ballot on the 8th of May 2019.

The electoral ballot paper will see BLF listed as number 11. A number that represents the great footballer “Scara” Ngobese (RIP). Today we made it 3-0 against the racists, a hat trick that the black jesus would be proud of.

BLF warns all racists abusing the courts to stop us – including FF+, Afriforum, the Democratic Alliance (DA) and all others – you will fail, nothing will stop us!

BLF will continue defeating land thieves by taking the land and representing the interests of the landless in parliament!


Issued by Lindsay Maasdorp, National Spokesperson, BLF, 29 April 2019