Ramaphosa misuse SABC to trumpet ANC’s achievements – EFF

Fighters say president’s unscheduled address was a blatant misuse of presidential powers and state resources

EFF statement on the misuse of the state broadcaster by Cyril Ramaphosa

27 May 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters notes, with concern, Cyril Ramaphosa's use of the public broadcaster on Sunday night to trumpet the ANC's achievements in office over the past five years. This unscheduled address is a blatant misuse of presidential powers and state resources, aimed at furthering the interests of the ANC rather than serving the South African public.

The EFF condemns, in the strongest terms, the hijacking of the state broadcaster for partisan purposes. It is clear that there is fear within the ANC ranks of an imminent loss, and they are resorting to desperate measures to cling to power. By exploiting his position and access to public resources, Ramaphosa is undermining the principles of fair competition and democracy.

During his 30-minute address, Ramaphosa shamelessly claimed numerous so-called successes of the ANC government. He boasted about their handling of Covid-19, efforts to tackle corruption and gender-based violence, and the signing into law of the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill.

This is clearly a misguided narrative. We are still waiting for the prosecution of those who embezzled Covid-19 funds, yet to witness successful state capture prosecutions, and gender-based violence is escalating, leaving women in constant danger. As for the NHI, our stance remains firm: what we need is a functioning public health system, not a scheme that primarily benefits the private sector.

While these achievements are debatable, what is undeniable is the unethical and undemocratic nature of using a public platform meant to serve all South Africans to campaign for the ANC. This act of desperation signals a party that is losing its grip and is willing to compromise the integrity of our democratic processes to maintain power.

The EFF calls on all South Africans to recognise this abuse of power for what it is and to vote for a party that respects democratic principles and will govern for the benefit of all, not just the few. Furthermore, we demand an immediate investigation into this misuse of the state broadcaster and call for measures to ensure such unethical practices are not repeated in the future.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 27 May 2024