Reconciliation Day serves as a reminder of work that lies ahead
16 December 2023
ActionSA joins millions of South Africans in commemorating Reconciliation Day and the progress we have made since 1994. As we commemorate this day, we, however, acknowledge the significant work that lies ahead to build a truly inclusive, just and equal society.
Nearly thirty years after Apartheid, we cannot ignore that race still is an important indicator of the opportunities someone will have in life. The legacy of Apartheid-era racial discrimination has been perpetuated by the failures of the ruling party, leaving many previously disadvantaged South Africans trapped in poverty. Overcoming this legacy and ensuring that all South Africans have the same opportunities for upward mobility is central to ActionSA’s mission to fix our country.
As someone who built a business with an Afrikaner and Indian South African during the height of Apartheid, I experienced first-hand how race-based policies sought to divide our people. Today we celebrate that we are no longer people who are limited by who we are allowed to speak to, where we can go and what we can do based on the colour of our skin.
But, we also reflect on the persistent inequality, high levels of unemployment and service delivery failures. Three decades since the advent of our democratic dispensation our country remains defined by Apartheid-era spatial planning, unequal access to quality education and healthcare, dysfunctional infrastructure, and a growing gap between the rich and poor.