Relentless attacks on emergency personnel condemned – COSATU

Federation says communities must understand these acts have an adverse impact on service delivery

COSATU condemns relentless attacks on emergency personnel

22 July 2024

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) joins its affiliate, the South African Emergency Personnel’s Union (SAEPU) in condemning the relentless attacks on emergency personnel following another incident on 20 July in Mpumalanga.

A female and a male paramedic became victims of a vicious assault when they attended to a call at Ka-Bokweni, because the family members of the patient blamed them for the late arrival of the ambulance.

COSATU, together with SAEPU, is confused why emergency workers are constantly robbed, beaten and even hijacked by the very people they have dedicated their lives to serving. For them, every call they attend to is akin to endangering their lives. This must stop.    

Communities must understand that these acts of violence have an adverse impact on service delivery and that they ultimately stand to lose the most if this service were to be withdrawn. Communities must realize that by taking care of emergency workers, they are taking care of themselves, and they should never allow attacks on these heroes and heroines of our society.    

As the employer, the Department of Health is obligated through the Occupational Health and Safety Act to ensure its employees work under safe conditions. COSATU reiterates SAEPU’s position that government must employ and train more emergency staff as well as provide enough ambulances to minimise these violent incidents from occurring. The attack on these workers and healthcare workers in general should be regarded as a national crisis.

COSATU calls on the police to do what it takes to ensure justice for these dedicated paramedics.

Issued by Zanele Sabela, National Spokesperson, COSATU, 23 July 2024