Remark about GEMS yet another NHI lie – Solidarity

Scheme will not be able to continue to exist and will cease being able to offer comprehensive cover

Remark about GEMS yet another NHI lie – Solidarity

10 May 2024

Solidarity would like to challenge the government to a public debate on the ongoing lies coming from government circles about the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill.

False claims about the NHI are piling up – especially in the run-up to the national and provincial elections on 29 May this year.

The latest such example are claims by the Director General of the Department of Public Service and Administration, Yoliswa Makhasi. She contends that the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) will indeed be retained and justifies this by stating that the government has invested much in it.

According to Theuns du Buisson, an economic researcher at the Solidarity Research Institute (SRI), these statements are totally irrational.

“The NHI will disadvantage all of us. The Bill clearly states that medical funds will not be allowed to offer anything other than complementary cover. Therefore, GEMS will not be able to continue to exist and, like other funds, it will cease being able to offer comprehensive medical cover.

“As it is, the Bill states that no person in South Africa, apart from members of the South African National Defence Force and the State Security Agency, may obtain medical services in any other way than under the NHI once those services are covered by the NHI.

“Under the NHI we are all knee-deep in trouble – unfortunately this includes GEMS members too,” Du Buisson said.

According to him, this is not the first time that information that is conflicting with the Bill has been forthcoming from the government’s official structures. Earlier this year, information documents were distributed which falsely claimed that people would still be able to pay for medical services from their own pocket if they chose not to make use of the NHI.

According to Du Buisson this is not in accordance with the Bill either.

According to Peirru Marx, coordinator of Solidarity’s occupational networks for the medical profession, it is presumptuous to argue that the government’s investment in GEMS justifies its continued existence under the NHI.

“Clearly, these statements are a slap in the face of all medical fund members who have also invested in their health to ensure they get quality health care. What it says is that government employees are placed above the rest who depend on the public sector or those who prefer private funds.  

“If the government does not want to lose the wealth of investment made in GEMS due to the establishment of the NHI, why should the significantly greater wealth of private funds be lost?” Marx wanted to know.

Issued by Theuns du Buisson, Economic Researcher: Solidarity Research Institute (SRI), 10 May 2024