Report on investigation into Cloete eviction welcomed – Ivan Meyer

Minister requests Didiza to provide full list of State-Owned Farms in the Western Cape

Meyer welcomes the report on the investigation into Colenso Farm by Department, requests Didiza to provide full list of State-Owned Farms in the Western Cape

23 March 2021

I welcome the recent report by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) on the investigation into the unlawful eviction of Ivan Cloete from the farm Colenso.

As highlighted by the report the Ivan Cloete case “clearly demonstrates irregularities and improper conduct which placed Mr Cloete in a difficult position.”

The case further portrays DALRRD as being “cruel and lacking empathy” in dealing with real issues that affect lives and livelihoods.

Given the above, I reiterate my call on the National Minister to provide a complete list of state-owned farms in the Western Cape. The list must include the names of beneficiaries allocated to these farms through DALRRLD’S  Land Reform Programme.

The National Government must assure South Africans that land reform is not used to benefit politicians and their friends at the expense of hard-working and deserving land reform applicants.

The bottom line is that DALRRD must not repeat Ivan Cloete's treatment. Doing so will destabilize the one sector that has contributed positively to the economy in 2020.

Replacing productive farmers with politically linked individuals places South Africa's food security at risk.

Agriculture is an important sector of the economy of SA, and we cannot allow the state capture of farmland to continue.

Issued by Daniel Johnson, Spokesperson, Minister Ivan Meyer, 23 March 2021