Resignation of puppet mayor Gwamanda welcomed – BOSA

Party says mayor was nothing more than a useful figurehead in which very little de facto power resided

BOSA welcomes resignation of Johannesburg’s puppet mayor Kabelo Gwamanda

13 August 2024

Build One South Africa (BOSA) welcomes today’s long overdue resignation of the puppet mayor of Johannesburg, Kabelo Gwamanda. This brings to an end a calamitous 466-day period of instability, poor service delivery and general malaise in the country’s economic heartland.

Elected through an agreement between the ANC and the EFF, Al-Jamah’s Gwamanda was nothing more than a puppet mayor – a useful figurehead in which very little de facto power resided – given his party won just 0.20% of the votes in the most recent local government elections. While politicians benefitted, residents suffered. 

"BOSA remains cautiously optimistic about the future of the City, and calls on all parties in council to apply their minds diligently and ethically as they elect a new mayor to take over the reins" said Allie.

Allie added "The first items on the new mayor's to-do list is to scrap the unjust R200 monthly electricity surcharge and to update the indigent registry to ensure every vulnerable citizen in the city is rightfully receiving free basic services including water and electricity."

BOSA will work with the new mayor and their administration for as long as they work each and every day for the people of Johannesburg.

Issued by Ayanda Allie, BOSA Member of the Gauteng Legislature, 13 August 2024