City encourages respect for criminal investigation into shooting incident
17 January 2022
Notwithstanding the ongoing criminal investigation, the City notes the ongoing distribution of some unsubstantiated reports and some public accounts of the event delivered by groups who were not eyewitnesses to the tragedy. The City urges that the facts should guide the process. On the day in question, the officers were responding to an open fire in line with their obligation to the safety of the broader public. Open fires during the summer months in Cape Town are a high-risk matter. The rest of the events that unfolded are currently being investigated.
Fatal shooting incidents involving law enforcement officers are an extreme rarity, and full account will be made to the relevant oversight bodies regarding this sad and tragic incident. These include the Civilian Oversight Committee (CIVOC) and Portfolio Committee for Safety and Security.
In the interest of transparency, the City can confirm that the officer involved in the tragic shooting was in possession of a firearm competency certificate issued by SAPS, as all law enforcement officers are required to have. The officer further underwent the accredited firearm training, which is compulsory for all Law Enforcement and SAPS officers. Training strictly follows the nationally determined standards by the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA).
In total, law enforcement officers undergo training amounting to six months, which includes both theoretical and supervised practical training. Law enforcement training is comprehensive and includes guidance on engaging the public professionally and with compassion.