City reviews its Economic Growth Strategy
3 July 2019
We are in the process of reviewing and revising the current Economic Growth Strategy. This is a priority for us to establish Cape Town as the go-to city on the African continent and globally for business, trade and tourism. The strategy was last reviewed in 2013.
The 2013 Strategy was successfully implemented and has established a platform for the City’s economic development. However, the constant changes in the local, national, and global economic environment have dictated that we review the strategy. From 2013-2017, Cape Town’s economy grew at an average rate of 1,8% per annum, compared to 1,7% by the Western Cape and 1,5% at a national level.
Another relevant trend is that of unemployment. Cape Town consistently outperforms the national labour market in this regard, with up to 10 percentage points separating the two. Cape Town’s strict and broad unemployment rates are only 1,3 percentage points apart, indicating a low incidence of discouraged work seekers in Cape Town. While this is a positive sign, the reality is that with almost a full quarter of the local population unemployed, we are in desperate need of job creation through stimulation and support of the private sector.
These trends must be reversed as a priority, and I am confident that an updated Economic Growth Strategy will help us to achieve this.