Richard Spoor's remarks intolerable - BLA

Association to lay complaint with Law Society over attorney's suggestion that he appoints counsel on individual merit not colour in his cases


The Black Lawyers Association (BLA) notes the unfortunate statement by Mr. Richard Spoor in respect to his attitude towards briefing of the black counsel.

Amongst others Mr Spoor is recorded to have said that,

"Law is an elitist profession. M y interest as an attorney is winning the case and I have no latitude to accommodate unsuitable people. Colour does not qualify you if you don't meet the other requirements. The work I do doesn't leave much room for charity or experimentation."

He fuurther stated that

"That means counsel with an avowed and sincere commitment to public· interest law. Second, we only brief exceptional counsel".

Mr Spoor is one of the briefing attorneys in the case by former mine workers, in a silicosis class action, against gold mining companies, there are about 40 counsel involved in the matter and three of them are confirmed as a black counsel, while the remaining senior  counsel are all white and male.  The composition·of the legal teams is indeed a cause of concern.

BLA finds the searing flame of racism in the statement attributed to Mr. Spoor as calculated to undermine the basic humanity of black counsel in particular and black people in general as totally and absolutely intolerable. The statement is both insulting and highly provocative.

We believe that such remarks are devoid of any respect towards the black legal practitioners. Under the circumstances it came as no surprise that some legal practitioners found it absolutely appropriate to voice their displeasure in these developments.

BLA fully and unequivocally support the actions taken by the Advocates for Transformation, Johannesburg Bar Council and all members of the legal profession who staged a protest march at the Johannesburg High Court on Friday the 23rd day of October 201 5 in protest of the statement by Mr Spoor and as a way of disapproval of the current briefing patterns in general.

We believe that it is now high time that the briefing patterns within the legal profession should be addressed at an accelerated pace. We call upon both private and public sectors to place the briefing pattern subject at the top of their agenda, with the public sector leading in the process.

We have resolved that should there be no visible efforts to correct the current briefing patterns we shall mount campaigns against unfair briefing patterns in the legal profession against both the public and private sectors. Where necessary we shall bring class action against the private sector. Further we shall mount campaigns against racism within the legal profession and society in general. We shall collaborate with all other likeminded individuals and organisations in the struggle to address the skewed briefing patterns.

Finally, BLA shall lay a formal complaint with the Law Society of Northern Provinces that the Law Society investigates whether Mr. Spoor ' s statements have not brought the legal profession into disrepute; and the Human Rights Commission for promoting racism in South Africa.



28 October 2015

Issued by the Black Lawyers Association, 29 October 2015