Comrade Ronnie "Khumalo" Kasrils risks sinking into the murky waters of a counter- revolutionary
It is with a sense of complete shock and disappointment that one of the admired former members and leaders of our glorious Party, Comrade Ronnie "Khumalo" Kasrils has made a regressive U-turn through his extreme populist pronouncements that he will not vote ANC in the upcoming general elections (see Mail & Guardian report). Whilst the Party respects Comrade Ronnie's democratic right and freedom of choice, the timing of his pronouncement just days before elections is, in fact, adding to the regressive nature of reactionaries in South African society against the ANC.
Comrade Ronnie is falling squarely into the agenda of the opponents of the National Democratic Revolution by posturing in the neo-liberal media space to grab headlines by attacking the movement. His criticism can be surmised as nothing but an opportunity to lash out at personal rivals serving in the current administration.
Whilst playing to the gallery, Comrade Ronnie commits two ahistorical errors; firstly, he casts doubt in the public mind about ANC's success, "The ANC has had 20 years to prove itself. If it hasn't proved [itself], then I'm saying: Listen to your head and your heart." Secondly, he commits a grave error of equating the unfortunate Marikana incident to the brutal Sharpeville Massacre of the 1960s.
The ahistoricism is not an accident it is a calculated ploy to unfairly discredit the ANC government which shows a great deal of dishonestly. Firstly the ANC government has made great strides fundamentally to improve the living conditions of our people as indicated in the 20 year review which was released recently. Comrade Ronnie was coincidently a direct driver in government for 14 of those 20 years.
As a result of the programmes of the ANC led government, millions of our people have access to basic services; our education system is improving, especially in the last five years; the economy has been stable despite investment strike by greedy capitalist; respect for the rule of law; millions of South Africans specifically the poor who are living with HIV have access to ARV's, especially in the last five years; and, life expectancy has Improved. Indeed the lives of the people have changed for the better under ANC government.