South Africa welcomes the declaration of unity between the various Palestinian groups
24 July 2024
South Africa welcomes the declaration of unity between various Palestinian groups and their stated intention to constitute an interim national unity reconciliation government. Palestinian unity has the capacity to bring Palestinians closer to achieving the core objectives of the Palestinian cause: self-determination, freedom, justice, peace and the establishment of an independent, sovereign and prosperous Palestinian state.
Our own struggle for a free, non-racial, non-sexist, democratic, united, undivided and prosperous South Africa instructs unity as the foundation of our collective strength, resilience and achievement.
It is through unity and solidarity that the Palestinian people can effectively confront the challenges of occupation and oppression, and work towards the realisation of their national aspirations. The declaration issued signals a commitment to overcome past divisions and advance towards a shared vision and future.
South Africa commends the various Palestinian groups, their leaders and representatives who have chosen the path of dialogue, national reconciliation and common action in pursuit of the undoubtedly just Palestinian cause.