SABC in same mess as pre-Polokwane - CWU

Union backs NUM's allegations of bias in broadcaster's newsroom



The Communication Workers Union (CWU) agrees with two recent statements released by our sister organisation, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and our vanguard of the working class, the South African Communists Party (SACP) about factional political battles in the newsroom of SABC controlled by some SABC board members.  

In this regard, CWU support the two statements of these two revolutionary organisations. Indeed there is a level of political and factional subjectivity in the SABC newsroom. We have realised that SABC is a play-ground to run political battles of certain cronies of some board members for their political and factional battles. CWU has also learned that some SABC journalists are harassed to give coverage to these cronies of SABC board members.

CWU has also noted that the reason why the SABC does not has full-time GCEO is because of uncomfortability of these tenderpreneurs and demagogues' in a form of SABC board members, who wants to hijack the Mass Democratic Movement for their selfish and chauvinistic interest. These SABC board members are hell-bent to destroy the working class voice by silencing the working class's voice through SABC that supposed to be the voice of our poor masses.

As CWU, we find it sickening that our beloved public broadcaster finds itself in the same pre-Polokwane mess that we thought we defeated.  We call on the Minister of Communications to instil stability at the SABC to avoid these shenanigans and remove these board members who run the SABC as their private entity for the sake of the integrity of our public broadcaster.

Statement issued by Matankana Mothapo, CWU National Spokesperson, September 20 2011

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