Joint Press Statement from SACP/COSATU bilateral
The national leaderships of the South African Communist Party and COSATU met in Johannesburg yesterday (23rd June 2011) in a full day bilateral. The bilateral was convened on the eve of COSATU's critical Central Committee meeting which begins on Monday next week.
The meeting agreed that the SACP/COSATU axis had been absolutely critical over the past two decades in consolidating our new democracy, in defeating attempts at whole-sale privatization of public property, in running mass campaigns against corruption, and in spearheading the call for placing our economy onto a new, more egalitarian growth path in which jobs and the transformation of the productive sector were at the centre.
The meeting also agreed that our country continued to be characterized by three major structural crises - the crises of unemployment, poverty and inequality. These structural crises are strongly inflected by racial, youth and gendered features. We agreed that these structural crises are compounded by the persisting global capitalist crisis - and that within our country and internationally socialist-oriented structural changes were the only sustainable path to ensure a better life for the great majority of the world's population.
The bilateral noted that the deepening capitalist crisis presented both possibilities for and the necessity of left unity and active popular struggles. However, periods of capitalist crisis are also typically characterized by various forms of right-wing demagogic populist mobilization acting on behalf of various capitalist strata in crisis, but often masked behind a pseudo-left rhetoric.
We believe that the same phenomenon is apparent in SA, finding a potential mass base amongst tens of thousands of unemployed and alienated youth in particular. However, behind this populism are often well-resourced business-people and politicians seeking to plunder public resources.