SACP Gauteng PEC reaffirms support for Blade Nzimande

Provincial leadership cautions against danger of degeneration of Alliance


24TH JUNE 2012

South African Communist Party Gauteng Province held its Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) meeting on the 23rd-24th June 2012. After extensive, frank and robust discussions on the Political and Organisational Reports, resolved as follows:

1. International situation:

The PEC received a report from the PEC members that were part of the Central Committee delegation that travelled to China in May 2012 and conducted a comparative analysis to draw lessons and positive experiences to consolidate our National Democratic Revolution (NDR).

The PEC appreciated the position of China as the second leading world economy led by a Marxist-Leninist Vanguard Party founded at the same period with the SACP, based on a mixed economy with a very strong state control and ownership of the economy.

The PEC noted the role of BRICS countries in contesting the world hegemony of imperialist countries, and the financial contributions these countries made to the International Monetary Fund. PEC resolved to raise this matter at the 13th National Congress, and to allow the entire party collective led by the Central Committee to guide Party structures on this crucial matter.

2. National and Provincial Balance of Forces.

The PEC noted developments in the country and in particular the preparations towards the ANC National Policy Conference this week, and the forthcoming SACP and COSATU National Congress.

The PEC welcomed the bilateral engagements between the SACP and COSATU at national level to guide and lead all our structures on this important process.

Informed by resolutions of the recent Provincial Congress, the PEC welcomed the release of the Draft SACP Discussion Document, the South African Road to Socialism (SARS). After extensive discussions of SARS, PEC resolved that Party structures in the province should identify critical and strategic issues in the SARS document to consolidate and strengthen those in the ANC's Strategy and Tactics document (Second Transition).

The PEC agreed that after 18 years of the defeat of white minority rule and the neutralisation of counter revolutionary extreme rightwing organisations in our country, we are now strategically positioned for a radical and decisive change in the class and property relations in our country.

3. Renewed attacks against the SACP and its Leadership

The PEC noted the renewed spate of unprincipled and uncomradely attacks against the SACP and its democratically elected leadership. The PEC noted the opportunity provided by our 13th National Congress to discuss this matter within the internal structures of the SACP.

The PEC agreed to respect and strongly uphold the historic principles that held our most world renowned Revolutionary Alliance together. One such principle is to avoid public spats and attacks against any of the components and leaders of the structures of the broad movement and the Alliance.

The PEC appreciated the fact that unlike in any other country in the world, the Tripartite Alliance is the most unique and distinct factor that constitute the collective strength of our entire movement led by the African National Congress.

The PEC firmly believes that malicious, slanderous and opportunistic attacks against leaders of the components of the Alliance, constitute a direct attack on our movement's collective strength.

The PEC cautioned against dangers of potential degeneration of the Alliance, especially between the two primary political formations of the Alliance, the ANC and SACP.

The PEC further cautioned that unless this strange phenomena is stopped with immediate effect, it has a real danger of derailing our alliance and its programmes. PEC advised that unless Alliances are well consciously and well managed, they can collapse as the case in a number of countries.

The PEC committed itself to present its proposals on this matter in the 13th National Congress.

4. Leadership Nomination Process

The PEC welcomed the opening of nominations for the election of the SACP Central Committee (CC). The PEC adopted a set of guiding principles for our lower structures. PEC resolved to await nominations from lower structures, and to consolidate this at the next Provincial Council to be held on the Sunday 1st July 2012.

The PEC however reaffirmed the decision of the 10th Provincial Congress to reaffirm our support of the General Secretary, Cde Blade Nzimande to continue leading the Party as the General Secretary.

We are fully satisfied with comrade Blade's leadership, working together with the collective of the CC to build the Party as a true Marxist-Leninist vanguard party of the working class. The PEC appreciated the fact that SACP structures are united as we approach our 13th National Congress with a membership of 150 000.

5. On the allegations against Cde Humprey Memezi

The PEC received a report from the ANC Provincial Secretary, Cde David Makhura on the matter, and accepted the process put in place by the ANC to deal with the matter. PEC condemned the opportunism of the DA on the matter. The PEC will await the outcome of this process and make further pronouncements.

Statement issued by Jacob Mamabolo, SACP Gauteng Provincial Secretary, June 24 2012

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