SACP (Limpopo) suspends Piitso over Nzimande comments

Statement issued by Party's Provincial Working Committee October 16 2008


The SACP in Limpopo convened an urgent PWC meeting this afternoon where Comrade Justice Piitso was invited in order to solicit an explanation on the public utterances he made against the Central Committee and the General Secretary Comrade Dr. Blade Nzimande.  We are disappointed that Comrade Piitso served two full terms as the Provincial Secretary of the SACP and could not be using invective and acting as agent of retrogression against the organisation he owes so much loyalty.  Communists are an advanced section of the working class and should always be erudite, impeccable and command moral rectitude.  His statements are mendacious, ridiculous and lunatic and we dismiss them with a pinch of salt. As a province we are confident in the SACP collective, including Comrade Dr. Blade Nzimande.

There have been efforts led by the CEO of the 1996 class project, President Mbeki to undermine and ridicule the leadership of the SACP in the last ten years. The call by Piitso to resign resonates with failed attempts by Willie Madisha and Malume Ronnie Kasrils et al to liquidate the SACP to satiate our avaricious capitalist antipodes. We happily recognize that the class project has been paralyzed and appreciate the daunting task ahead - to go "bone-crushing" and dismantle it.

Comrade Piitso has, in his expectoration, violated the following provisions in Section 5, Sub section 9 of the Constitution:

5.9.5 Place the interests of the workers and the poor above personal interests.

5.9.7 Cultivate comradely relations towards one another and constantly develop a fraternal spirit within the SACP.

5.9.8 Act in a manner that is frank, honest and truthful to the SACP and does not betray the confidence of the Party.

5.9.9 Safeguard the unity and solidarity of the SACP and vigorously defend the interests of the workers and the poor against their opponents.

5.9.11 Act, in his or her personal conduct, in a manner which will bring credit to the SACP and serve as a standard bearer of the highest communist ethic and morality.

5.9.12 Observe the SACP Constitution and discipline

At the time the CC released members of the Piitso-led PEC he was given a reprieve for having misled the collective in the province, failure to communicate CC decisions to lower structures of the organization and absence of determination to champion the activism of the Party in the province. When the PILC was installed Comrade Piitso refused to cooperate with the rebuilding process and thereby proving himself incorrigible. The Party chose to ignore this perfidy and recalcitrance.

This time we have elected to exercise paragraph (c) in Sub section 24.6 of Section 24 which provides that: The PEC shall have the power to suspend members or impose lesser forms of punishment, which shall come into effect without prior approval of the Central Committee, but such measures shall be immediately reported to the CC, which has the power to amend or reverse them.

It is unfortunate that Comrade Piitso has not pitched up for this meeting due to other commitments. However, we are continuing with our announcement because we want to treat this matter in the serious light it deserves.  We wish to put on record that the Comrade was advised to respond in writing in the event he would be unable to attend this meeting. We therefore announce suspension of his membership with immediate effect. Paragraph (e) of the aforesaid provides that a "suspended member shall not be allowed to attend meetings of any SACP structure during the period of suspension except by invitation."

We hope that Comrade Piitso will comply.

Statement issued by South African Communist Party (Limpopo) October 16 2008