SACP statement on reinstatement of Mpofu

Statement issued by South African Communist Party May 19 2008

The decision by the Johannesburg High Court Judge to declare the suspension of Adv Dali Mpofu by the SABC Board illegal has come as no surprise to us.

The findings of the judge have vindicated our long held suspicion that the board only suspended Adv Mpofu in what looked to be retaliation to his suspension of Dr Snuki Zikalala. In doing so the board conducted itself in a manner that is not worthy of being mandated with the responsibility to lead the public broadcaster.

If there is anybody who continues to lend his/her support to this imposed board, one needs to only look at their actions to come to no different conclusion than us that this board is incapable of leading the SABC and is also pursuing a factionalist and divisive agenda. We reiterate our call to the board members to resign.

It is unfortunate that some of the credible members of this board are unfortunately having their names dragged in the mud through reckless action of some mischievous elements in the board. Nevertheless we are still of the view that the only solution is for all board members to resign.

We further call on parliament to hasten passing the motion of no confidence and taking appropriate action to put in place a new legislative framework in order to ensure that this board and future boards are properly constituted and representative.

We are not out to get anyone, but we are keenly waiting for the President of the Republic and Parliament to take necessary measures to protect the integrity of the Public Broadcaster.

Statement issued by the South African Communist Party May 19 2008