SAHRC confirms it will investigate Jargersfontein dam tragedy – ActionSA

Patricia Kopane says mining corporations operating on the land have violated many laws and regulations

SAHRC confirms it will investigate Jargersfontein dam tragedy

19 October 2022

ActionSA has received written confirmation from the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) that it will investigate the Jagersfontein Mine Dam Tragedy.

This follows the complaint submitted to the SAHRC on the 29th of September 2022, asking them to launch an urgent investigation into the human rights violations by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE), the Jagersfontein Development and Kopanong Municipality.

The flooding of the Jagersfontein Mine Dam left two people dead, and people injured while others lost their livestock, businesses and homes.

Over 103 people were displaced from their homes due to the flooding and have not yet been provided with alternative accommodation.

Residents at Charlesville are left to inhale polluted air and use contaminated water to the detriment of their health and the Municipality has done nothing to assist in this regard.

Additionally, the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation has reportedly warned about the dam operating at twice the capacity it was authorized to.

Mining experts in the affected communities have long reported flagrant disregard for environmental laws by the mining corporations operating on their land and in their communities.

We contend that these entities have violated the following Acts:

- South African Constitution, the Bill of Rights;

- The National Environmental Management Act;

- National Water Act regulations;

- Mineral and Petroleum Act 29 of 2007 -Department of Minerals and Energy (License and Legislative compliance);

- Water Services Act 108 0f 1997- Department of Water and Sanitation; and

- Mine Health and Safety Act 28 of 1996.

We look forward to the SAHRC compelling all relevant agencies to act in a manner commensurate with the rights and dignity owed to our people.

Issued by Patricia Kopane, ActionSA Free State Provincial Chairperson, 19 October 2022