SAJBD and SAZF welcome final Israel labelling regulations

Organisations say rules compliant with internationally recognised technical trade requirements

Jewish Board welcomes unpoliticised labelling of goods 

The SA Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) and SA Zionist Federation (SAZF) welcome the new regulations concerning the labelling of imported goods emanating from Jewish/Israeli settlement areas in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

In terms of the new measures, such products must henceforth be identified as either "West Bank: Israeli Goods" or "East Jerusalem: Israeli Goods". This fully complies with internationally recognised technical trade requirements pertaining to place of origin. Unlike earlier proposed versions of the legislation, it does not make use of politically charged and biased language, but rather uses terms that are essentially neutral and descriptive.

The SAJBD and SAZF thank the Office of the Presidency, Cabinet and Minister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies for hearing and taking into account our concerns when finalising the new regulations. The welcome outcome of the many months of deliberation and consultation over this issue has been a balanced, sensible solution, one that addresses the requirement that the places of origin of imported products be accurately identified without the addition of politically-motivated aspects that can only cause division and alienation within the South African population.

Statement issued by the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, April 10 2013

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