Sanctions against Russia a sign of Obama's growing mental instability

Ian Beddowes and Alex Mashilo say the idea that the current Ukrainian government can run that country for very long is a joke

Editorial: Obama sanctions the USA

Obama's announcement of sanctions against Russia could be ascribed to his growing mental instability, but more so it is a hysterical response to the fading of U.S. hegemony.

It could as well be that in his youth he watched too many old John Wayne movies and that this has affected his ability to reason.

Or as Karl Marx says in ‘The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte', "History repeats itself, first time as tragedy, second time as farce". The Second World War saw the invasion of Ukraine by German Nazi forces backed by Ukrainian "nationalists", predominantly from Western Ukraine who were regarded even by the German Nazis as being extraordinarily bestial and cruel.

Due to the Ukraine government making a deal with Russia which was far more conducive to Ukrainian interests than the typical "milk the poor" solution offered by the EU, the USA and its allies decided to fund the descendants of the Second World War Nazis to overthrow the government.

Anybody who has had experience of the European neo-Nazi organizations will know that they are formed by declassed lumpens with the bodies of gorillas and the brains of goldfish. The idea that the current Ukrainian government can run that country for very long, is itself a subject only for laughter. For us in Southern Africa it is analogous to a government run by Julius Malema and the EFF.

As for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH-17?

It looks pretty certain that it was shot down by a Ukrainian fighter plane, directed, as with the gassing of the Syrian children a year ago, as a typical CIA "false flag" operation. The fact that Obama has announced that it was the "rebels" in Eastern Ukraine backed by Russia who shot the plane down without waiting for any analysis by the experts in air-crashes who are studying the wreckage and the black boxes indicates that he and his government are responsible for the outrage. In any case the Ukrainian government has massive stockpiles of Russian weaponry.

Anyway the allegation that the plane was shot down with a Russian weapon has not been proven.

How did Obama arrive at the conclusion?

Propaganda. But let us ask another question.

How many U.S. and EU weapons are used on a daily basis to massacre innocent people? What would Obama's answer be?

The U.S. defines Israel as its most reliable partner in the Middle East. The two are major trade partners. Many U.S. weapons participate in the daily slaughter of Palestinians. U.S. weapons are responsible for the overwhelming majority of violent deaths in the world, even in their own country.

The Second Nazi Invasion of Ukraine is, indeed a farce.

And the sanctions?

Here is what highly respected investment analyst Marin Katusa has to say about sanctions in his recent article ‘The Media Won't Touch this Story about the end of the US Dollar':

"...sanctions intended in part to illustrate the US's continued world supremacy are in fact encouraging countries disillusioned with that very notion to continue their moves away from the US currency, a slow but steady trend that will eat away at its economic power until there is little left."

Sanctions against Russia with its growing economy are not like sanctions against Zimbabwe with its shrinking one.

There is not too much to worry about. This will only strengthen considerations, including within BRICS, to move away from the U.S. dollar and from heavy reliance on trade and investment with the U.S.

The countries of the EU which are dependent on raw materials imports for their survival, will, sooner or later, be forced to move away from the U.S. with its cowboy economy and cowboy mentality. The EU is heavily dependent on Russia in critical trade areas.

The EU is caught between a rock and a hard place. It will not emerge unscathed by its own sanctions.

Obama thinks that he is sanctioning Russia: in fact he is sanctioning the USA.

This article first appeared in Umsebenzi Online, the online journal of the SACP.

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