School placement fiasco an insight into schools under Bela - Solidarity

Movement says the future of our children must not end up in the clutches of the state

School placement fiasco: an insight into schools under Bela

16 January 2024

Solidarity condemns the sloppy planning of the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE), which once again has resulted in challenges with school placements at the start of the 2024 academic year. This poor planning by the department also clearly shows the possible consequences of the proposed Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill (Bela bill) on school management. 

Solidarity’s Teachers’ Network emphasised that they are concerned about the department's future plans as described in the Bela bill. Parents and schools are encouraged to oppose the state’s capturing of schools.

“The department’s inability to carry out their mandate in terms of the South African Schools Act (SASA) and their inability to plan, hampers quality education. This poses a danger to the future of our country’s children,” said Johnell Prinsloo, policy analyst and researcher at the Solidarity Research Institute (SRI).

According to Anlia Archer, coordinator of the Teachers’ Network, large numbers of unplaced learners are an indication of reckless mismanagement and a serious lack of planning, which forces many schools in Gauteng to reconsider their already completed planning for 2024.

“It is clear that the GDE’s online placement system, which already takes away responsibility from the schools, will be used in trying to change Afrikaans schools’ language demographics, thereby implementing the Bela legislation,” Prinsloo explained further. 

This confusion and uncertainty place an additional burden on school communities. The department also shows a lack of insight into the impact these school placements will have on school infrastructure, general resources, and the existing learners.

“The reality is that the department has long been aware of the number of learners that could be expected per grade annually. It is only now, less than a week before schools reopen, that they are paying attention to this,” Archer added. 

The proposed Bela legislation, should it come into effect, could only exacerbate existing problems. This will give authorities who don’t even have the ability to manage learner placements, even greater powers concerning school management.

Solidarity calls on parents and school communities to stand together and support Solidarity’s actions against the negligence and wrongdoing of government officials. 

“The future of our children must not end up in the clutches of the state,” Archer concluded. 

Issued by Johnell Prinsloo, Policy Analyst and Researcher, Solidarity Research Institute, 16 January 2024