Security failures at SANDF ammunition depot put community at risk – AfriForum

Security fence surrounding the depot is in a state of severe disrepair, with portions of it completely dilapidated

9 September 2024

AfriForum has raised the alarm about serious security failures at the South African National Defense Force (SANDF)’s ammunition depot outside Jan Kempdorp in the Northern Cape. The organisation is now demanding that Angie Motshekga, the Minister of Defense and Military Veterans, answer several questions about the security of the depot and the ammunition stored there.

Reports received by AfriForum indicate that the security fence surrounding the depot is in a state of severe disrepair, with portions of it completely dilapidated, making it easy for unauthorised individuals to breach the perimeter. Additionally, many of the security floodlights are not functioning, rendering the area vulnerable to nighttime security threats. Alarmingly, AfriForum has been informed that a number of trespassers have already gained access to the high-security area in recent months.

In the letter, AfriForum has asked the Minister to provide answers to the following critical questions:

What is the current condition of the security fence, and what steps will be taken to repair or replace it?

Are the security floodlights operational, and if not, when will they be repaired?

Have there been investigations into the reported incidents of trespassing, and what measures are in place to prevent further breaches?

Are permanent guards assigned to patrol the depot, and are they equipped to respond to security threats?

What is the state of readiness of the military’s fire service to respond to any emergencies at the depot?

What type and quantity of ammunition are stored at the depot, and is it in a safe condition?

The surrounding community has voiced their concerns about the potential risks posed by the depot’s poor security, and AfriForum is calling for immediate action from the Minister. The organisation believes that a military facility of such strategic importance should be safeguarded with the highest level of security, and the current situation represents a severe and unacceptable failure.

“We are deeply concerned about the safety of the ammunition stored at the depot, especially in light of recent security breaches. Bear in mind that foreign militias have recently been revealed to have a presence in South Africa, it certainly paints an alarming picture” said Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s Chief Spokesperson for Community Safety.

“The community deserves answers, and more importantly, they deserve action. We cannot afford to wait until an incident occurs. The time to act is now.”

AfriForum is urging the Ministry of Defense to take swift corrective measures, including repairing the security fence, ensuring proper lighting and guard patrols, and verifying the safety of the ammunition stored at the depot. These steps are critical to ensuring the security of both the depot and the surrounding community.

Issued by Jacques Broodryk, Chief Spokesperson: Community Safety, AfriForum, 9 September 2024