Sibanye-Stillwater retrenchments very disappointing – NUM

Union says this is a form of punishment for the strike period in which workers secured a reasonable victory

NUM is highly shocked and disappointed by Sibanye-Stillwater decision to retrench more than 2000 workers at Beatrix 4 shaft and Kloof 1 and 2

2 November 2022

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) received with shock the news that Sibanye-Stillwater is considering retrenching close to 2 000 employees at Beatrix 4 shaft, and Kloof 1 and 2 plants. The company plans to retrench 1 600 permanent employees at Beatrix 4 shaft and 400 at Kloof 1 and 2. We also cannot dismiss the fact that this is a form of punishment for the strike period in which gold sector workers through their unity secured a reasonable victory in terms of wages and working conditions. This is capitalist barbarism at its best.

In addition, employees to be affected are those in associated companies, including Sibanye Gold Protection Services Limited and Sibanye Gold Academy Proprietary Limited.

Although we are deeply shocked by such a decision, we are not surprised as we expected such kind of brutal and heartless behaviour coming from Sibanye-Stillwater. It is a well-known fact that this company does not care much about its employees. What matters most to them is profit. Sibanye-Stillwater is today coming up with all sorts of excuses just to merely punish the workers.

The NUM is of the view that Sibanye-Stillwater is putting Beatrix 4 Shaft on care and maintenance so that they can repurpose the shaft to mine Uranium. There is a big demand for Uranium in China which is currently busy building nuclear power stations. It wants to occupy a strategic supply position in the global market.  Sibanye Stillwater is retrenching 1 600 permanent employees at Beatrix 4 Shaft and plans to use subcontractors when they repurpose the Beatrix 4 shaft for Uranium Mining. 

The NUM will in the meantime go through the served notice since the purpose of the section 189 consultation process is to engage in a meaningful joint consensus-seeking process in an attempt to avoid job losses.

Issued by William Mabapa, NUM General Secretary, 2 November 2022