Response to Justice Piitso’s “Demonstrating the origins of economic oppression”
The New Age published Justice Piitso’s “Demonstrating the origins of economic oppression” (25 July 2017), which as essentially an attack directed at our SACP General Secretary Cde Dr Blade Nzimande. This response to Piitso was submitted to The New Age, but the newspaper did not carry it since then. This is not surprising. The New Age is part of the ideological apparatus of the Guptas, and is increasingly the voice of an anti-SACP sentiment and distortions.
From the onset Piitso should learn to separate a personal vendetta from a political posture. The decision some years ago in the past to dissolve an SACP Limpopo Provincial Executive Committee in which he previously served was not Nzimande’s decision. It was a decision of the SACP. Hence he is wrong to attribute the dissolution to Nzimande as a person. And that dissolution was correct. In fact Piitso’s liberal individual behaviour reinforces the correctness of that decision.
Piitso’s persistence on Nzimande being a former Inkatha Freedom Party member defies logic, particularly after so many comrades with good history and sharp memory in our movement have written so many articles and made interviews disputing such baseless allegations. At no stage did the IFP ever claim Nzimande was its member either.
On the contrary, its leader rejected any association or agreement on any ideological ground with Nzimande. But Piitso, his discredited sources and his ilk still do not get it. A long standing stalwart of our struggle Cde Michael Sutcliff expressed disgust at such casting of aspersions directed at Nzimade’s participation in the struggle. Sutcliff’s is article was ironically published by The New Age on 3 August 2015.
And, by the way, Piitso must not undermine the intelligence of SACP members and the Party for electing Nzimande to its Central Committee in the early 1990s and as its Deputy National Chairperson and thereafter as General Secretary since 1998 for five terms of office successively. This is an overwhelming confidence in Nzimande.