SOPA reaffirms hope with urgently-needed solutions – DA WCape

Party says Premier’s announcements on the provincial government’s solutions to the energy crisis are welcomed

WC SOPA reaffirms hope with urgently-needed solutions

16 February 2023

Attention broadcasters: Please find attached a soundbite by Wendy Kaizer-Philander MPP

The DA in the Western Cape welcomes Premier Alan Winde’s State of the Province Address (SOPA) delivered at the Provincial Legislature today. This SOPA demonstrates the Western Cape government’s commitment to giving hope and the fierce urgency of now in providing interventions in the face of a national government beset by crisis.

Rolling blackouts is South Africa’s single biggest socio-economic threat and require urgent intervention. Therefore, the Premier’s announcements on the provincial government’s solutions to the energy crisis are welcomed.


The DA welcomes the Premier’s announcement that he has requested Provincial Treasury to allocate R1 billion towards the Western Cape government’s response to the energy crisis. These funds will be directed towards the short-term impact of rolling blackouts on government services; securing diesel to keep essential public services running; buffering schools against blackouts; providing poorer households with emergency power packs; and assisting small businesses to implement alternative energy options.

Rolling blackouts present a massive risk for the country’s municipal infrastructure, especially water infrastructure. The R89 million in emergency funding allocated towards purchasing backup generators for the treatment and supply of water services will assist in mitigating the risks of rolling blackouts on local governments.

Following the announcement of the National State of Disaster last week, the DA submitted a motion in the Provincial Legislature for an Ad-hoc Committee to probe the impact of the electricity crisis on the Western Cape. We commend the Premier’s commitment to ensure that the Western Cape government is ready to account before this committee.

Jobs and Infrastructure:

The Western Cape’s ‘Growth for Jobs’ Plan seeks to grow the provincial economy by between 4 and 6% by 2035. This is an ambitious goal but we have full confidence that the provincial government has the political will and innovation to achieve this. This is evidenced by the 96% recovery in international 2-way passenger numbers this past holiday period; the jam-packed upcoming season of international sporting and cultural events; the R25 billion worth of completed buildings recorded last year; and the enabling environment created for private-sector-led growth. The Western Cape is indeed open for business and equipped for growth and job creation.


While the SAPS continues to fail miserably in keeping communities safe and fighting crime, the Western Cape Safety Plan is bearing fruit. The deployment of LEAP officers to crime hotspots across the province saw a 8.2% reduction in the murder rate for the 1st quarter of 2022/23. This is evidence that a new model for policing can be successful. By devolving policing to capable sub-national governments that demonstrate urgency and work closely with communities, we can move closer to effective crime-fighting and creating safer communities.

Dignity and wellbeing:

We commend the Premier’s commitment to addressing inequality within our communities and look forward to seeing the results of the Regional Socio-Economic Projects programme and Inclusionary Housing Policy Framework. The province has also committed to providing 9395 housing opportunities this year and we look forward to the upgrades to the Gansbaai Clinic, a new day clinic in Lainsburg; and a new Emergency Centre at Victoria Hospital, among other healthcare services. This is a testament to the DA-led government governing with dignity and putting the wellbeing of its citizens at the forefront.

Wendy Kaizer-Philander says: “Premier Winde today provided a SOPA which puts the people of the province first and reiterates the fierce urgency of now to combat the challenges faced by our society and province. We have full confidence that the DA-led Western Cape government will meet their SOPA commitments with urgency and inspire hope, not only in the Western Cape but also for the citizen of South Africa.

Tomorrow the Western Cape Provincial Parliament will debate the Premier’s SOPA and the DA looks forward to a lively exchange of ideas and constructive inputs.”

Issued by Wendy Kaizer-Philander, DA Chief Whip in Western Cape Provincial Parliament, 16 February 2023