Pieter Groenewald working through lifer parole applications – DCS

Minister received 60 new lifer profiles from the NCCS, all of which have been attended to; he also attended to 325 historic applications

Correctional Services on Minister Pieter Groenewald handling backlog of lifer parole applications

17 September 2024

Today, the Minister of Correctional Services, Dr Pieter Groenewald, apprised the Portfolio Committee of Correctional Services of the current status regarding lifer parole applications.

The National Council for Correctional Services (NCCS) evaluates profile reports of offenders serving life sentences and makes recommendations to the Minister, who holds the ultimate authority to consider parole.

During his tenure of two and a half months, Dr Groenewald received 60 new lifer profiles from the NCCS, all of which have been attended to. He also attended to 325 historic applications.

Upon assuming office, Dr Groenewald inherited 495 lifer profiles from the 6th administration, of which only 170 are still pending final consideration. He has pledged to resolve this backlog by 15 October 2024.

Dr Groenewald expressed gratitude to the NCCS and its secretariat for their diligent efforts in addressing the backlog.

The newly established Ministry will persist in striving to develop an effective system to expedite the consideration of lifer profiles for parole purposes.

Issued by Eune Oelofsen, Media Liaison Officer, Office of the Minister of Correctional Services, 18 September 2024