Speed up the draft student funding model – Chantel King

DA MP says violent student protests rocked Walter Sisulu University this week

DA calls on Minister to speed up the draft student funding model after violent WSU student protests

25 March 2022

The DA condemns the use of violence this week by Walter Sisulu University (WSU) student leadership and students. These acts of criminality are abhorrent and have no place in our institutions of learning.

That being said, the increasing demand for student funding is becoming critical and the DA calls on the Minister of Higher Education, Blade Nzimande, to speed up the process of the Ministerial task team (MTT) assigned to investigate student funding models.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has had numerous ICT system failures due to system overload which led to delays in funding decisions and the processing of appeals over the last few weeks. The uncertainty amongst students on their funding decision for tuition, accommodation, meals and book allowances are what is flaring up tensions at institutions like WSU, all of which could have been avoided.

Robust discussions on the draft MTT report should be afforded to all stakeholders in the post school education sector and to taxpayers at large to give input into the report.  A new way of funding students is urgently needed to offset the unsustainable demand compared to the availability of funds in South Africa.

As per the World Bank proposal of income contingent loans, the DA believes more students will be covered through income contingent loans, especially with a shift towards strengthening TVET colleges.

Minister Nzimande in conjunction with the MTT report should revisit the Heher commission report on income contingent loans to guarantee access, affordability and sustainability.

The DA’s three-tiered funding model will cater for those who cannot afford, working class and the missing middle. Repayments would only be required when the recipient has obtained a job which pays them enough money to ensure repayment.

We propose that Minister Nzimande consider releasing the Ministerial task team report by 15 April and also consider the DA’s proposal of a one application system for multiple sources of funding and the DA’s funding model.

Open discussions for a workable and sustainable funding model are needed and the DA is willing to participate in these discussions.

Issued by Chantel King, DA Shadow Minister for Higher Education, Science & Technology, 25 March 2022