Spiking: Neighbourhood watches to combat this crime – AfriForum

Organisation has developed a training module to help members on a national level to combat incidents

Spiking: AfriForum develops training module to equip neighbourhood watches to combat this crime

13 June 2024

A new training module, through which all AfriForum neighbourhood watch members will be trained on a national level in combating incidents of spiking, kicks off next week. The module was developed by AfriForum’s division for Community Safety and aims to equip neighbourhood watch members with critical skills to deal with this increasing crime, which plagues motorists nationwide on dozens of main routes and especially in and around Pretoria.

AfriForum has already developed 22 basic training modules which are presented weekly to its 177 neighbourhood and farm watch structures nationwide. In a few days another module will be added to this list.

According to Jacques Broodryk, AfriForum’s chief spokesperson for Community Safety, neighbourhood watch members will receive theoretical training and learn to act preventively and reactively with regard to spikings.

AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches already gave their commitment in April this year to the fight against spike traps, especially in areas that suffer heavily from this type of crime. Regular patrols have so far formed an important part of neighbourhood watches’ strategy, but the training that has now been developed will significantly refine their approach.

“Unique crimes require a unique approach and therefore it is also essential that AfriForum’s neighbourhood watches step up the way in which this type of crime is handled,” explains Broodryk.

Neighbourhood watches’ knowledge of handling a scene where a trap has been set, but no victims have yet been claimed, will be developed through the training. In such a case, it will be the neighbourhood watch’s first priority to prevent someone from becoming a victim. Where motorists have already fallen victim to such a trap, the security of victims will be given priority, whereafter the scene will be secured. Neighbourhood watch members will learn how to secure these scenes, involve all relevant role players and begin the search for suspects.

“It is important that neighbourhood watch patrollers understand that, when they come across such an obstruction, it must be treated as an ambush or a trap. This situation can be extremely explosive as armed criminals may be hiding near the trap to surprise their victims,” ​​says Broodryk. “Top quality and relevant training is therefore essential. This will not only help ensure neighbourhood watch members’ own safety, but also ensure that members know how to act efficiently, safely and within the framework of the law.”

“The expansion of AfriForum’s training to cope with new or increasing crime trends is also of great importance,” concludes Broodryk.

Get involved with your nearest AfriForum neighbourhood watch: Visit www.afriforumbuurtwag.co.za.

Issued by Jacques Broodryk, Chief spokesperson: Community Safety, AfriForum, 13 June 2024