Sports Committee warns about one-sided CSA Forensic Report
13 October 2020
The Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture today met with Cricket South Africa (CSA) to deliberate on the report of the forensic investigation into the affairs of the organisation.
The report was made available to the committee on Friday last week, following unexplained delays and attempts by CSA to deny Members of Parliament (MPs) access to the report, citing the Companies Act and “legal implications”. The committee rejected a summarised version of the report, and gave the entity an ultimatum to submit the full report.
After going through the almost 500-page document, the committee warned that the “one-sidedness” of the report could create an impression that the investigation was only targeting one man, the former Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Members questioned CSA leadership why was it that “up to 95% of the report was about the CEO, and to a lesser extent the Chief Operating Officer (COO)”, and wanted to know why did it not include other members of the executive as well as the board.