Premier Winde and cabinet laud the start of recovery for agriculture
15 August 2019
Yesterday, Premier Winde, Minister of Agriculture Ivan Meyer and the Western Cape cabinet met with representatives from the agricultural sector to discuss the successes and challenges and challenges they face.
The meeting forms part of a series of engagements Premier Winde and his cabinet will hold with various sectors and role players in the province, which will be taking place over the coming months.
Premier Winde thanked the sector for its resilience and for continuing to invest in agriculture, in spite of the worst drought in 100 years.
Premier Winde said "Our economy faces some challenges that are beyond our control such as Brexit, US-China trade relations and issues of land expropriation without compensation but I am pleased that the agriculture sector continued to invest in the Western Cape. Investment is a sign of confidence and the fact that we are seeing investment continue in agriculture is a sign of its recovery following the drought. Creating an enabling environment for the economy to grow is a key focus this government and a crucial aspect of this is ensuring that agriculture is supported."