State capture report was never intended for prosecution of corrupt – EFF

Fighters say Zondo Commission spiralled into a political weapon wielded to settle scores between ANC factions

EFF statement on loss of access to Zondo Commission database

15 August 2024

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) notes the reports that the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development has lost access to the Zondo Commission database, and their ongoing conflict with the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and Investigating Directorate (ID) in relation to access to this database.

Recent reports reveal that the Department lost access to a significant digital evidence database because of lack of maintenance. According to the NPA, a lack of maintenance has rendered this crucial data inaccessible. Considering that the Commission cost taxpayers a staggering RI billion, this mismanagement is unacceptable and a disgrace. Despite the immense expense, the Department of Justice is now scrambling to hire a service provider to restore access.

This loss occurs after for over two years, the NPA and the ID have been trapped in a relentless struggle to obtain the necessary tools to hold corrupt individuals accountable. Both the NPA and ID state that they were refused access to the extensive digital evidence database gathered by the Zondo Commission, however, the Department is denying these allegations.

The EFF has asserted that the Zondo Commission spiralled into a political weapon wielded to settle scores between ANC factions. It is now clear that the ongoing conflict between the Department of Justice and the NPA is a direct consequence of this misuse of justice. Justice Raymond Zondo's report was never intended for the effective prosecution of all corrupt politicians; it was a tool for factional battles within the ANC.

The manipulation of justice is now evident as the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development and the NPA are at loggerheads, with critical evidence being neglected and access to the database being deliberately obstructed. If the NPA and the Department were truly committed to its mandate, we would not be witnessing this intemal battle, and justice would be served.

The EFF, through its role in the Justice Portfolio Committee, will provide stringent oversight that the recovery costs are not at the expense of taxpayers, as we have already wasted too much money on Zondo's factional gossip which was paraded as a report. We will also pursue determining who is responsible for losing access to the database.

Issued by Leigh-Ann Mathys, National Spokesperson, EFF, 15 August 2024