GDE must stop gambling with the future of Sediba sa Thuto learners – Khume Ramulifho

DA MPL says it is unacceptable that learners be denied access to basic education due to continuous disruption

GDE must stop gambling with the future of Sediba sa Thuto learners

13 June 2022

There has been no schooling at Sediba sa Thuto Primary School in Mamelodi East, Tshwane for three weeks because the parents have shut down the school due to overcrowding in classrooms.

It is unacceptable that learners continue to be denied access to basic education due to continuous disruption of schooling.

Today, the Democratic Alliance (DA) Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education, Khume Ramulifho MPL and the DA Mamelodi East Constituency Head, Cllr Peter Millar conducted an oversight inspection at the school. They were shocked to discover that there are no signs of teaching and learning taking place at the school. The school gates were closed, and no activities were visible.

According to frustrated and angry parents, they have shut down the school because of overcrowding in classrooms and the terrible state of the mobile classrooms.

The classrooms are severely overcrowded. There are 74 learners per classroom and the environment is not conducive to learning and teaching. It is unacceptable as our learners are being denied the dignity of learning in an adequate environment.

The current number of mobile classrooms cannot accommodate the number of learners. Most of the mobile classrooms are broken and pose a safety risk to both learners and teachers. There is also long grass and a bush area next to the classrooms and there are allegations that there are snakes which is a danger to learners.

The parents claim that they requested the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) to provide the school with an additional seven mobile classrooms which they have not yet delivered.

The DA had a fruitful conversation with the parents who agreed that they will only allow their children to attend school when the mobile classrooms have been provided.

The DA demands that the Gauteng MEC for Education, Panyaza Lesufi must provide this school with additional mobile classrooms as a matter of urgency. MEC Lesufi must hold the district officials to account for failing to intervene and assist this school and for depriving these learners of their rights to access education in a conducive environment.

We will also be tabling written questions in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) to ascertain when the school will be provided with additional mobile classrooms, and additional teachers and when the school will be replaced with a brick-and-mortar structure.

No learner is supposed to be deprived of their right to access basic education. The DA will fight to ensure that this school is provided with all the necessary resources needed for learning and teaching to take place in a conducive environment.

Issued by Khume Ramulifho, DA Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education, 13 June 2022