"Stop pimping our kids!" – Daily Sun

"Angry women tell magosha…" – front page lead, July 16 2015

Daily Sun (July 16 2015) - THE magosha had angered the women in her community before. They accused her of stealing their men.

But this time she went too far. She found herself surrounded by women wanting answers to the same question.


The woman was not only a sex worker herself, but she forced two underage girls, aged 14 and 17, to sell their bodies for sex as well.

The magosha appeared in the People’s Paper last year when she came close to being beaten up by women who said their men were no longer interested in them.

On Tuesday evening, women told Daily Sun they were going to confront the magosha in her shack in Mkhanywa Village, Brakpan, Ekurhuleni. When the SunTeam got there, they found the woman surrounded by angry, shocked residents who were klapping her and pulling her hair.

Community leader Bongi Sibiya (52) said she was tired of the woman.

“We warned her the first time but she doesn’t respect us. And now she forces our children to sleep with men who are old enough to be their fathers,” she said. “When we first spoke to her, she tried to deny it but one of the girls was there and we learnt the truth.”

The children’s guardian, Babalo Dumezweni (29), said the girls came to confide in her. The 17-year-old girl said she was relieved the truth had come out. “I felt so guilty,” cried the girl.

She said the woman used to invite men over weekends and sometimes during the day to sleep with them. “She threatened to stab us with a knife if we reported her. We were scared to tell our families,” she said.

She said the woman made them smoke a drug so that they felt no pain during intercourse.

“I’m so angry with her, she stole my virginity,” said the girl. Daily Sun watched as the girl tried to strangle the magosha. “I hate you. You made me sleep with Nigerian men and took the money,” cried the girl.

Captain Joep Joubert of Brakpan police confirmed that the woman was arrested for compelled rape and said she will appear in court today.

See the Daily Sun’s new website for more on this and other stories....


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