Supra Mahumapelo's ANC membership suspension 10 years too late
29 April 2021
The Democratic Alliance (DA) in North West notes the ANC’s Provincial Disciplinary Committee (PDC) decision to suspend the party membership of former Premier Supra Mahumapelo for a period of 5 years.
Regrettably, the suspension comes more than 10 years too late.
The fact of the matter is that the North West Province would have been in a better position today if Supra Mahumapelo never happened, and in an even better position if the ANC were voted out of government a decade ago.
Supra Mahumapelo had an arsenal of grand ideas and clever rhetoric, from his Re-branding, Re-Positioning and Renewal (RRR) Vision to “Saam Werk, Saam Trek” and the Villages, Townships and Small Dorpies Retail Economy Project, but in reality, his legacy supported and promoted by the entire ANC, has wreaked complete destruction on the North West at the expense of the people, and for the self-enrichment of cadres throughout his patronage network and the ANC.