Tabisher referred to DA disciplinary committee - DA

Grant Pascoe requests investigation into disgraced Cape Town councillor

DA's Provincial Disciplinary Committeee to launch investigation into the conduct of Councillor Charlotte Tabisher

I have today written to the DA Western Cape Provincial Chairperson, Anton Bredell, to request that the DA Provincial Disciplinary Committee launch an investigation into the conduct of Ms. Charlotte Tabisher, a DA City of Cape Town Councillor.

Ms. Tabisher has been found guilty of nine serious charges involving fraud, misrepresentation and misconduct by the City of Cape Town's Disciplinary Committee.  This gives the DA more than enough grounds to launch an investigation into her conduct.

The DA Provincial Disciplinary Committee has wide ranging powers to sanction DA members found guilty of transgressing the Party's disciplinary code, including the power to revoke membership of the party, a step which would automatically lead to Ms. Tabisher losing her seat in Council.

DA public representatives have a sacred responsibility to always act in the best interests of the communities which they serve. We will take firm action in instances where this responsibility is not being upheld.

Statement issued by Grant Pascoe, Democratic Alliance councillor and chairperson DA Cape Town Metro Region, May 27 2010

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