Hogan's testimony proof state capture was ANC-sponsored – Natasha Mazzone

DA MP says we now have clear evidence of heavy party interference in minister’s authority

#ZondoCommission: Hogan’s testimony proof that State Capture was an ANC-sponsored project

12 November 2018

Barbara Hogan’s testimony at today’s Zondo Commission of Inquiry has cemented the fact that the ANC and State Capture are synonymous and inseparable.

The former Minister of Public Enterprises, Ms Hogan, testified how the ANC National Working Committee, Tripartite Alliance and other party bodies did not understand or believe in the separation of the party from the state when it came to State Owned Enterprises (SOE’s).

This is proof that the ANC not only sponsored State Capture, but the ruling party also purposefully facilitated the rot of corruption at our country’s SOE’s.

Ms Hogan at some point explained that she was summoned to Luthuli house to explain her comments on SOE’s instead of to the President or Cabinet.

When it came to appointing a credible replacement CEO for Transnet, former President Jacob Zuma thwarted Ms Hogan’s choice, despite this preferred candidate, Mr Maseko, being recommended by the board and recruitment specialists. Mr Zuma insisted that Mr Gama be appointed as CEO of Transnet, despite misconduct charges that were levelled against him at the time.

Once again, we have clear evidence of heavy interference in the Minister’s authority and usurping of ministerial powers by the ANC. This interference is a potential breach of the Executive Members' Ethics Act.

Clearly the ANC chose to not understand its role - where it started and where it ended - with regards to SOE instructions.

The ANC and State Capture are one and the same - the only way to remove State Capture would be to exorcize the party that enabled it and start afresh.

Issued by Natasha Mazzone, DA Spokesperson on State Capture, 12 November 2018