Chamber of Mines notes release of Draft Mining Charter
15 April 2016
Commits to constructive engagement with the DMR and other stakeholders in pursuit of ongoing transformation
Johannesburg, 15 April 2016. The Chamber of Mines has noted the publication today by the Minister of Mineral Resources of a new draft of the Broad-based socio-economic empowerment charter for the South African mining industry (Mining Charter) that has been prepared by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR).
The Charter is the instrument that gives effect to the intentions of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act. It initially came into effect in 2004 and a revised version was gazetted in 2010. Chamber of Mines member companies continue to be committed to the achievement of all the transformation objectives of the Mining Charter and, for the most, have met the targets set by the 2010 Mining Charter.
The version published this morning will be used as the basis for engagement between the DMR and key industry stakeholders. At a meeting this morning between Minister Mosebenzi Zwane and Chamber office bearers and a number of company CEOs, he and the Chamber team agreed on a process over the coming month, or beyond if necessary, on the content of a revised version of the Mining Charter. This is the first sight the industry has had of the draft and the Chamber is now studying its content.