Threats to ban Jacques Pauw’s book and concoct charges against leaders of the Communist Party a serious cause for concern: SACP
6 November 2017
The South African Communist Party (SACP) notes with deep concern threats by the State Security Agency (SSA) to Act to silence the latest source of mounting evidence that the President, Jacob Zuma, should resign. The SACP is also aware of a plan by the same rogue intelligence structures that we have been talking about to bring concocted charges against some of our Party leaders. These manoeuvres are not based on legitimate grounds but rogue intelligence manufacturing of information. It is time all patriotic South Africans stand up against this destruction of our country.
The SSA has threatened to go to court to get large parts of journalist Jacques Pauw’s “The President’s Keepers – those keeping Zuma in power and out of prison” banned, warning the publishers in writing to withdraw the book or face "criminal charges" under the Intelligence Services Act on Tuesday, 7 November. The South African Revenue Service has hinted that it too might go to court to “ban” the book.
So far the publishers have refused. What the book contains is a test, and a challenge, on whether our state institutions have both the capacity and the willingness to deal with malfeasance in our state.
Pauw’s book comes as our country struggles to absorb the enormity of the state capture project, first exposed by the Augmented Central Committee of the SACP in November 2014, and then further by the former Public Porter’s report entitled the “State of Capture”, and very recently by amaBhungane journalists in their Gupta leaks email stories.