Three steps to protect agriculture against loadshedding – DA WCape

Govt must recognize that helping farmers to establish their own generating capacity aids food security

Here are 3 steps to protect Agriculture against rolling blackouts, Minister Didiza

24 January 2023

Attention broadcasters: English and Afrikaans audio clips from MPP Andricus van der Westhuizen attached.

The DA in the Western Cape is calling on National Government to take immediate action to mitigate the disastrous effects of loadshedding on agriculture.

Given that the Western Cape is a winter rainfall region, irrigation of crops during summer months is crucial to ensuring food security does not come under threat. Without stable access to electricity, it is immensely difficult for farmers to plan and make sure crops are irrigated when they need to be. Further down the value chain, cooling facilities are immensely important during the packaging of fruit, and interruptions in electricity can lead to food being wasted.

The National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development needs to step up and put the needs of the country first. The DA is therefore calling on the Department to provide support to farmers in the following ways:
- Incentives for farmers willing to establish their own generating capacity
- Rebates for fuel needed to run generators
- Engaging with Eskom on possible exceptions from loadshedding where food security is directly impacted

MPP Andricus van der Westhuizen said: “Our farmers need support to make sure they can feed the nation. If National Government have any good sense, they would recognize that helping farmers to establish their own generating capacity not only aids in food security, but also lessens pressure on the grid. This is a crucial moment for our country, and the DA will continue pushing for practical measures that are needed to avert a food security crisis.”

Issued by Andricus van der Westhuizen, DA Western Cape Spokesperson on Agriculture, 24 January 2023