Minister Nhleko admits breaking the law and Parliament must haul him over the coals
13 October 2016
In a letter to Parliament, included in the ATC this week where it was referred to the Portfolio Committee on Police, the Minister of Police, Nathi Nhleko, has effectively admitted that he broke the law when he failed to report to Parliament on Berning Ntlemeza’s appointment within the prescribed 14 days.
This is on top of failing to adhere to judicial findings, including the Constitutional Court, which excoriated the basis on which he appointed Ntlemeza in the first place.
As such, the ANC in Parliament must give full effect to its proclamation that the institution shall never again find itself on the wrong side of the Constitution by rejecting this condonation and launching a full-scale parliamentary inquiry into Minister Nhleko’s fitness to hold office.
In so doing, Minister Nhleko must account for breaking the law and must explain the Ntlemeza appointment and McBride’s suspension in light of judicial findings expressly curtailing him from doing so.