Who blew whistle on Tottenham Hotspur plans? – SA Tourism

Board has resolved that forensic investigation on leaking of discussions be conducted

Statement from the South African Tourism Board

8 February 2023

SA Tourism is founded by the Tourism Act 3 of 2014 as a Destination Marketing Organisation. The mandate of the organisation is to market South Africa as a domestic and international leisure tourism and business events destination and to advise the Minister on any other matter relating to tourism marketing amongst others.

In the execution of its mandate, SA Tourism receives various unsolicited proposals which are reviewed following all governance structures within the entity.

On the 27 January 2023, a presentation on a marketing opportunity pertaining to Tottenham Hotspur FC was made by SA Tourism management to the SA Tourism Board. Following a few recommendations and updates to the presentation, the South African Tourism Board conditionally approved the project with the following provisos:

- consultation with the Minister of Tourism,

- the Department of Tourism (as SA Tourism is the Destination Marketing Agency of the Department of Tourism),

- National Treasury, and

- other relevant stakeholders

Prior to the consultation processes being undertaken, a presentation containing the details of the Tottenham Hotspur FC deal was regretfully leaked to the public. Unfortunately this was prior to the planned consultations with the above-mentioned stakeholders and any final decision on the deal being made.

The SA Tourism Board has deliberated and resolved that a forensic investigation on the leaking of the SA Tourism Board discussions be conducted.

The Board has noted the media reports on the issue of the Interim CFO, Mr. van der Walt. It has been resolved that the matter be investigated.

The SA Tourism board is committed to the speedy resolution of both these matters.

Issued by SA Tourism, 8 February 2023